Invited Speakers
Symposium Upper GI-1
Key Advances in Translational Research for Gastric Cancer
Genetic alterations and their role in gastric cancer development
Jae Ho Cheong
Yonsei University, Korea
Epigenetic changes in gastric tissue and cancer: Risk diagnosis and therapeutic target
Toshikazu Ushijima
Hoshi University, Japan
Biomarkers for early detection of gastric cancer
Khay-Guan Yeoh
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Symposium Liver-1
New Paradigm of MASLD Management
Exploring MASLD complications: Insights from Japanese clinical practices
Tomomi Kogiso
Tokyo Women's Medical University, Japan
Current burden and advances in therapeutics for MASLD
Donghee Kim
Stanford University, USA
Fact or fiction in the causal relationship between MASLD and cardiovascular disease
Won Kim
Seoul National University, Korea
Presidential Lecture
EUS-guided local therapy of pancreatic tumors
Dong-Wan Seo
University of Ulsan, Korea
Symposium Lower GI-1
Advanced Therapeutics in IBD: Innovations and Lessons from Evidences
Wise and optimal use of 5-ASAs and immunodulators
Dae Sung Kim
Konyang University, Korea
Updates on biologics: Old and new friends
Alessandro Armuzzi
Humanitas University, Italy
Small molecular agents: A paradigm shift?
Eun Mi Song
Ewha Womans University, Korea
Biosimilars: Game changers?
Hyuk Yoon
Seoul National University, Korea
Symposium GI Oncology-1
Recent Advances in the Management of Advanced Gastrointestinal Cancers
Current treatment paradigms for advanced gastric cancer
Jin-Soo Kim
Seoul National University, Korea
Advancements in colorectal cancer management
Jae Hyun Kim
Kosin University, Korea
Strategies for chemotherapy in advanced biliary tract cancer
Symposium Pancreatobiliary-1
Recent updates in the management of chronic pancreatitis
Indications and techniques for endoscopic interventions in CP
Dongwook Oh
University of Ulsan, Korea
Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) for pancreatic exocrine insufficiency (PEI) in patients with CP
Jaihwan Kim
Seoul National University, Korea
Role of surgical treatment in painful chronic pancreatitis
MDT-1 Upper GI, Lower GI, FGID/Motility
Symposium FGID/Motility-1
Integrative Approaches to IBS
2025 IBS Seoul Consensus
Hoon Sup Koo
Konyang University, Korea
Role of microbiome and FMT in IBS
Chang Hwan Choi
Chung-Ang University, Korea
The overlap of motility disorders and irritable bowel syndrome: Mechanisms and management
Nicholas Talley
The University of Newcastle, Australia
PG Course - Pancreatobiliary
Optimal Treatment Strategies in Pancreatobiliary Diseases Based on Clinical Guidelines
Recent strategies in management of acute cholangitis
Kwang Hyun Chung
Soonchunhyang University, Korea
Recent strategies in management in acute pancreatitis
Jung Wan Choe
Korea University, Korea
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided tissue acquisition of pancreatic solid tumors
Sung Yong Han
Pusan National University, Korea
Optimizing antithrombotic therapy for safe ERCP and EUS: Strategies for elective and emergency procedures
Huapyong Kang
Gachon University, Korea
PG Course - Lower GI
Current Practices to Emerging Therapies in Lower Gastrointestinal Diseases
Real-world medications for chronic abdominal pain
Jeong Eun Shin
Dankook University, Korea
Lower GI bleeding: How to identify and manage it
Yehyun Park
Ewha Womans University , Korea
Appropriated and tailored colon polypectomy: Updates from the guidelines
Su Young Kim
Yonsei University Wonju, Korea
New IBD drugs: You should know about
Shin Ju Oh
Kyung Hee University, Korea
PG Course - Upper GI
Essential Gastric Lesions: Endoscopic Approaches to Diagnosis and Treatment
Refractory peptic ulcer disease and its complications
Seon-Young Park
Chonnam National University, Korea
Early and accurate diagnosis of Borrmann Type IV: Imaging and endoscopic strategies
Jun Haeng Lee
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Various infectious diseases in the upper GI tract
Dae Young Cheung
The Catholic University of Korea, Korea
Gastric lymphoma: Diverse endoscopic findings and management
Ji Yong Ahn
University of Ulsan, Korea
PG Course - GI Oncology
Enhancing Quality of Life in Gastrointestinal Cancer Patients
Addressing chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy to enhance quality of life in gastrointestinal cancer patients
Su-Hyun Kim
National Cancer Center, Korea
How to manage sleep disorders in cancer patients
Seockhoon Chung
University of Ulsan, Korea
Comprehensive nutritional support in gastrointestinal cancer
Ji Hyung Nam
Dongguk University, Korea
Management of gastrointestinal cancer-related emergencies
Kyong Joo Lee
Hallym University, Korea
KSG Session 1
Exploring the Role of Microbiome in Digestive Medicine
Multi-Dimensional analysis of gut microbiome: From discovery to diagnostic implementation in IBD
June-Young Lee
Kyung Hee University, Korea
Modulating the gut microbiome: New approaches to managing functional gastroduodenal disorders
Cheol Min Shin
Seoul National University, Korea
Mutual reactions between natural products and intestinal microorganisms in diverse mouse strains with cancer cachexia
Myungsuk Kim
Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Cancer microbiome in Korean patients with GI tract cancer
Hansoo Park
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Symposium Upper GI-2
Upper Gastrointestinal Agents: Classification, Mechanisms, and Practical Prescriptions
Gastric acid suppressants: H2RA, PPI & P-CAB
Jae Yong Park
Chung-Ang University, Korea
Mucoprotective agents
Ayoung Lee
Korea University, Korea
Other drugs such as prokinetics, probiotics and antidepressants
Seung In Seo
Hallym University, Korea
Real-world practice of UGI drug prescription
Hwoon-Yong Jung
University of Ulsan, Korea
KSG Session 2
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Innovations and Implications
Recent advances in immune checkpoint inhibitors for gastric cancer
Tae-Yong Kim
Seoul National University, Korea
Current status and future of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatment for hepatocellular carcinoma
Sangyoun Hwang
Dongnam Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences, Korea
Immune checkpoint inhibitor in biliary tract cancer
Joo Kyung Park
Sungkyunkwan University, Korea
Management of the adverse events of immune check point inhibitor therapy
Jin Ho Choi
Seoul National University, Korea
KSG Session 3
Obesity and Sarcopenia in Gastroenterology and Hepatology: Dual Challenges in Digestive Medicine
Up-to-date evidences in endoscopic treatment for obesity
Sarcopenia and obesity in inflammatory bowel disease: The inflammation and nutrition nexus
Jaeyoung Chun
Yonsei University, Korea
Interventions for managing obesity and sarcopenia in liver cirrhosis
Jae Yoon Jeong
Ewha Womans University, Korea
High-density lipoprotein cholesterol impact on gastrointestinal cancer risk
Su Youn Nam
Kyungpook National University, Korea